If you’re looking for a little fun, but with solid truth behind it, go check out the Sacred Sandwich site, published by the sort-of-real-but-not-really organization called The League of Tyndale. There you will find wonderful parody ads like these. 

In addition, you’ll find some hilarious (but poignant) “articles” dealing with some of the church fad issues of the day, along with some genuine editorial/devotional articles. According to the site's info, the goal here is to provide:

In addition, you’ll find some hilarious (but poignant) “articles” dealing with some of the church fad issues of the day, along with some genuine editorial/devotional articles. According to the site's info, the goal here is to provide:
"a lighthearted parody of current Christian issues, produced to invoke and honor the spirit of bygone days when Christian organizations such as this were committed to grounding themselves fully in the standard of God’s word, and were not ashamed to stand firm for the sake of the true Gospel.
Do not be misled, however, in thinking that the satirical framework of this project implies a lack of real biblical truth. The editorial content of our site is not a joke. All the articles, as well as many of the parodies, are dead serious in their purpose of proclaiming sola Scriptura to the postmodern church in a biblical and factual way. Despite the tongue-in-cheek style, The Sacred Sandwich’s main objective is to herald the sufficiency of Scripture as one of the surest means in which the visible Church might humble herself to God’s will and enjoy true spiritual revival.”
A worthy enough goal that I decided a little while ago to “join” the League of Tyndale. So if you need a little sunshine in your day (and aren’t afraid to laugh at yourself a little if need be), then go check this site out. But be ready to chew on the truth in the process.
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