On Sunday morning, June 19th, 1861, C. H. Spurgeon delivered a message to his London congregation from Zechariah 12. He was calling them to look to Christ, to see His glory, to see
their sin, and to trust His sacrifice. The date was his 27th birthday. That a man can show so much maturity at such an age has always amazed me…and rebuked me at the same time.

Anyway, at the conclusion of the message, he pleads with his hearers to trust in Christ because he is worthy to be trusted. He speaks, just briefly in passing of his birthday and offers a personal testimony of Christ’s worthiness to be trusted.
Though I’m…well…a bit past 27, these words match the testimony of my own heart more completely than you can imagine. And so, on the occasion of my own “crossing into another year” I offer you the same testimony and the same plea: trust in Christ. Here are Pastor Spurgeon’s words:
This is God’s testimony, that Christ is able to save. O that you would trust him. My soul, thou hast regretted a thousand things, but thou hast never regretted trusting Christ in thy youth. Many have wept that they did not come to Christ before, but none ever lamented that they came too early. Why not this very day? O Holy Spirit, make it so!

But now I would to God that this day some of you would begin to trust in him. It is the Spirit’s work, but still he works through means. I think he is working in your heart now. Young man, those tears look hopeful: I thank God that those eyes feel burning now. I pray you do not go chatting on the road home and missing any good impression. Go to your chamber, fall upon your knees, cry out to God, entreat his favor. This day let it be! None of the devil’s to-morrows — away with them! away with them! “To-day it ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart.” May the Spirit of God constrain you to “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”
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