Our local OzarksFirst.com is running an "ugly floor" contest along
with Carpet Barn. The winner gets something like $2,000 in flooring. As much as we love our broken down old farmhouse, the scarred baby-diaper green vinyl flooring in the kitchen, dining room and hall is just horrible (as the picture clearly reveals). But on the ol' preacher-salary, that's not a high priority budget item.

Anyway, if you're bored and just looking for something to do while you're wasting all this time on the internet anyway, hop on over to the OzarksFirst website and vote for #22, that's us. I voted tonight and Cheryl said, "Hey, put it on your blog." So why not. It beats more whining about the presidential race, doesn't it.
Remember, that's OzarksFirst.com and vote for number 22. Thanks.
I voted for you from work and had dad vote from our home e-mail. Hope the votes help. You ought to announce it in church, maybe you can get some help that way. (Tell them it will save them from having to pay for new flooring for you, ha! ha!
Thanks, Mom. What's a guy to do without his mother? I'm getting pretty teary-eyed here...
Seriously, thanks for stopping by and doing that. Wouldn't you love to come to our house and see something other than that p_k_ green floor?!
What's with all this free stuff lately? You really have left the GOP, haven't you.
I love your house just the way it is--6 of the most precious people on earth are there. Who gives a rip about a floor?
...well, ok, since Cheryl does, I'll vote.
Thanks for understanding, Rod. It's all about making the wife happy, isn't it?
And hey, I just want to be like every other red-blooded American and get all the free stuff I deserve. That's in the Constitution or something, isn't it?
Hey Dad how old do you have to be to vote for the "ugly floor" contest?
Sorry, Buddy, you gotta be 18. But thanks for the effort.
I voted for you.
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