The overall theme was “The Eternal Love of God Shown in the Cross of Christ” and all the speakers did an amazing job. I took our two oldest children with me and they both said they enjoyed it as much as I did.
You can go HERE to see more info about the conference, and I would strongly recommend going to Rockport’s Sermon Audio site where all 14 messages are available for download.
I came away with a greater appreciation for the worthiness of our Great God of grace, and His desire for us to draw near to Him, as well as what it means to truly live as a living sacrifice. Check these out; it will be worth your time.
thanks Brother for your post, and for your comments on our post. We really appreciated having you at the conference. I am going to have a lot more help next year, and I hope that I can spend a little more time with you. Perhaps we can get to know one another
God Bless
Thanks Bro. Bob. We were actually using this as a chance to catch up with my folks as well, so we checked out pretty quick on some breaks. Plus we missed Sat. night due to taking dad to the emergency room. He's fine, BTW.
Looking forward to next year.
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