I believe I’ve mentioned before my somewhat odd hobby of collecting antique hymnals. One of the reasons I enjoy these old collections so much is because it is a constant reminder of the incredible wealth of music that has been written for the church down through the years, only the tiniest fraction of which most of us are aware of.
As we begin this Christmas season, this is more evident than ever. Most of us only really know a handful of Christmas hymns, and yet there are so many that have been penned.
One of the favorites in my collection is the 1833 edition of Church Psalmody: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to Public Worship. Selected from Dr. Watts and Other Authors. (Gotta love those titles!)
For your enjoyment (and the broadening of your horizons) here are just a couple of my favorite texts devoted to our Lord’s birth found in that little book:
BEHOLD ! the grace appears,
The blessing promised long ;
Angels announce the Saviour near,
In this triumphant song :
2 " Glory to God on high,
And heavenly peace on earth ;
Good-will to men — to angels joy,
At the Redeemer's birth!"
3 In worship so divine
Let men employ their tongues ;
With the celestial host we join,
And loud repeat their songs —
(Isaac Watts)
REJOICE in Jesus' birth!
To us a Son is given.
To us a Child is born on earth.
Who made both earth and heaven!
2 He reigns above the sky.
This universe sustains —
The God supreme — the Lord most high,
The king Messiah reigns!
3 Th' almighty God— is he.
Author of heavenly bliss!
The Father of Eternity,
The glorious Prince of Peace!
4 His government shall grow,
From strength to strength proceed;
His righteousness the church o'erflow,
And all the earth o'erspread.
(from collection by Josiah Pratt)
HIGH let us swell our tuneful notes.
And join th' angelic throng;
For angels no such love have known,
To wake the cheerful song.
2 Good-will to sinful men is shown,
And peace on earth is given ;
For lo! th' incarnate Saviour comes
With messages from heaven.
3 Justice and grace, with sweet accord,
His rising beams adorn;
Let heaven and earth in concert join —
To us a Saviour's born.
4 Glory to God! in highest strains,
In highest words be paid;
His glory by our lips proclaimed,
And by our lives displayed.
(from collection by John Goss)
WE come with joyful song,
To hail this happy morn:
Glad tidings from an angel's tongue,
"This day is Jesus born!"
2 What transports doth his name
To sinful men afford!
His glorious titles we proclaim —
A Saviour — Christ — the Lord!
3 Glory to God on high,
All hail the happy morn :
We join the anthems of the sky.
And sing—"The Saviour's born!”
As we begin this Christmas season, this is more evident than ever. Most of us only really know a handful of Christmas hymns, and yet there are so many that have been penned.

One of the favorites in my collection is the 1833 edition of Church Psalmody: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to Public Worship. Selected from Dr. Watts and Other Authors. (Gotta love those titles!)
For your enjoyment (and the broadening of your horizons) here are just a couple of my favorite texts devoted to our Lord’s birth found in that little book:
BEHOLD ! the grace appears,
The blessing promised long ;
Angels announce the Saviour near,
In this triumphant song :
2 " Glory to God on high,
And heavenly peace on earth ;
Good-will to men — to angels joy,
At the Redeemer's birth!"
3 In worship so divine
Let men employ their tongues ;
With the celestial host we join,
And loud repeat their songs —
(Isaac Watts)
REJOICE in Jesus' birth!
To us a Son is given.
To us a Child is born on earth.
Who made both earth and heaven!
2 He reigns above the sky.
This universe sustains —
The God supreme — the Lord most high,
The king Messiah reigns!
3 Th' almighty God— is he.
Author of heavenly bliss!
The Father of Eternity,
The glorious Prince of Peace!
4 His government shall grow,
From strength to strength proceed;
His righteousness the church o'erflow,
And all the earth o'erspread.
(from collection by Josiah Pratt)
HIGH let us swell our tuneful notes.
And join th' angelic throng;
For angels no such love have known,
To wake the cheerful song.
2 Good-will to sinful men is shown,
And peace on earth is given ;
For lo! th' incarnate Saviour comes
With messages from heaven.
3 Justice and grace, with sweet accord,
His rising beams adorn;
Let heaven and earth in concert join —
To us a Saviour's born.
4 Glory to God! in highest strains,
In highest words be paid;
His glory by our lips proclaimed,
And by our lives displayed.
(from collection by John Goss)
WE come with joyful song,
To hail this happy morn:
Glad tidings from an angel's tongue,
"This day is Jesus born!"
2 What transports doth his name
To sinful men afford!
His glorious titles we proclaim —
A Saviour — Christ — the Lord!
3 Glory to God on high,
All hail the happy morn :
We join the anthems of the sky.
And sing—"The Saviour's born!”
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