Samuel Medley (1738-1799) was the son of an English school master. He joined the British Royal Navy but was wounded in battle in 1759. It’s said that he nearly lost a limb, but God miraculously intervened. During his recovery, his grandfather read to him a sermon by Isaac Watts, the great English pastor and hymn writer. God used that sermon as an instrument of Medley’s conversion, and he gave himself to study for the ministry. He eventually served 27 years as a Baptist pastor in Liverpool.

In addition to his pastoral ministry, Medley wrote several hymns (some of which you can find here). Sadly, our Baptist churches have not passed down many of these fine Baptist verses over the years, much to our loss. Along with contemporary John Newton, Medley wrote of God’s amazing grace:
O what amazing words of grace Are in the Gospel found!
Suited to every sinner’s case Who knows the joyful sound.
Come, then, with all your wants and wounds; Your every burden bring;
Here love, unchanging love, abounds, A deep, celestial spring.
Anyway, all of that is simply to get to this. Samuel Medley in 1789 gave us this lyric for “another year.” I share it with you as a prayer for each of us as we seek His will, His goodness, His grace and guidance for another year:
Father of mercies! God of love!
Whose kind compassion still we prove,
Our praise accept, and bless us here,
As brought to this – another year.
We sing Thy goodness all divine,
Whose radiant beams around us shine;
‘Tis through Thy goodness we appear
Preserved to this – another year.
Our souls, our all we here resign;
Make us, and keep us ever Thine;
And grant that in Thy love and fear
We may begin – another year.
Be this our sweet experience still,
To know and do Thine holy will;
Then shall our souls, with joy sincere,
Bless Thee for this – another year.
Still, Lord, through life Thy love display,
And then in death’s approaching day,
We’ll joyful part with all that’s here,
Nor wish on earth – another year.
Whose kind compassion still we prove,
Our praise accept, and bless us here,
As brought to this – another year.
We sing Thy goodness all divine,
Whose radiant beams around us shine;
‘Tis through Thy goodness we appear
Preserved to this – another year.
Our souls, our all we here resign;
Make us, and keep us ever Thine;
And grant that in Thy love and fear
We may begin – another year.
Be this our sweet experience still,
To know and do Thine holy will;
Then shall our souls, with joy sincere,
Bless Thee for this – another year.
Still, Lord, through life Thy love display,
And then in death’s approaching day,
We’ll joyful part with all that’s here,
Nor wish on earth – another year.
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