For the last couple years I've watched a few of my blogger "friends" do this little A to Z challenge for the month of April. The idea is simply to post one entry for each letter of the alphabet throughout the month (Sundays excluded). With the advent of more and more social media, blogging is falling by the wayside in many instances. And I've noticed my own output has lagged recently. So I thought this was a good little boost. So let's go...
Which is why "Allons-y" is our word for letter "A." It's French for "let's go" and seemed appropriate to begin our little monthly challenge. It also has some family connections for me.
First, the French connection: I actually took French in high school and college. One year in high school for which I won the "French Award", whatever that means. And three semesters in college. You'd think with all that in my head I'd remember a little French. But the running joke in our family is that all I can remember is "Où est le W. C.?" Translation: Where is the bathroom (water closet)? I figure if I'm lost in France that could be an important question.
Second, our youngest daughter has been taking French for the last year or so. Which has led to the family phrase of gratitude "mercy buckets" (said with thick redneck drawl). The French for "thank you" is obviously "merci beaucoup" which in a family of Ozarkians playfully becomes "mercy buckets." Anyway...
Then there is the Doctor Who connection. I've revealed here that our family is a big fan of the BBC Doctor Who show, for me dating back to the late 70s/early 80s with the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker. But once the show was brought back, David Tennant's Tenth Doctor became a family favorite. One of his "catch phrases" guessed it: Allons-y! (By the way, a word to the BBC regarding the new 12th Doctor's adventures: Allons-y! Come on, let's go already!)
And, of course, as already stated, it's a good way to kick off the A to Z Challenge. So, let's go.
Great start! Glad you are participating! Looking forward to some great posts from you. I should have known you would have gotten that Dr. Who in there some how. I still don't know who he is.
Thanks, Gregg. And to help you out with the Doctor, here's a video of all 178 Tom Baker episodes....simultaneously! It'll save some time.
Even though the new doctors have their charm, IMHO Tom Baker broke the mold.
I agree. Whenever I think of Dr. Who, I think of Tom Baker.
You are both right; Baker is the man! Which is why my wife so kindly knitted me a 10 foot scarf based on the official pattern, and I wear it proudly!
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